Our Classroom Website

Welcome to the 6th Grade Orange Team! Image result for 6th grade clip art

This team is created from 6 teachers. Each teacher has a different specialty.  We decide to team teach because it allows teachers to discuss the students they have in common and to establish stronger teacher-student relationships based on an improved understanding of the students and their specific learning needs. The teachers that make up this team are: 

Ms. Esposito - Science

"Teachers change the world, one child at a time"

Ms. Zeller - Social Studies

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow"

Ms. Schenke - Reading

"A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart"

Ms. Henson - Art 

"To be a teacher is my greatest work of art"

Ms. Paulson - Language Arts

"Teachers, touch tomorrow today"

Ms. Ullestad - Math

"There is no one out there that is youer than you" - Dr. Seuss 

Team Rules:

As a team, we have come up with some rules that everyone needs to follow in each classroom. By following these rules, it will help make this year be effective and fun!

Be prepared for class.

Respect others.

Be on time.

Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourselves.  

Follow directions.

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